Overall, other than being overweight, I am not terribly unhealthy. I don't have diabetes and my A1c% is quite nice. My cholesterol isn't bad with only a slightly elevated LDL and everything else well within range. My thyroid is completely borked but that is nothing new, I've had hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for something like 20 years now. It's pretty well controlled with medication.
I told her about my new exercise routine and goals, and that my knee pain has been keeping me from pushing myself because I didn't want to make anything worse or permanent. She said while running is often hard on knees, she certainly doesn't want to discourage me from doing something I enjoy and keeps me active. She agreed that icing and ibuprofen were good fixes for the time being, and is sending me to a physical therapist for some tips and tricks to help. It shouldn't be anything long term, but they can show me stretches and things to help with the pain.
INTERESTINGLY enough... when I got home I was scheduled to do a walk that evening. But it was raining and I really didn't want to get wet outside, so I got on the trusty treadmill. At first I started walking for my warm up. No pain.
Then I started fast-paced walking. No pain.
"Hmm," I thought to myself. "I wonder if I can try a little jogging, see how it goes?" So I jog a little. I decide to put the treadmill up to a 1.0 incline, because I know from running outside that downward running hurts my knees badly with such jarring impact. Maybe an ever-so-slight uphill would help the impact not be so tough? Still, no knee pain.
So I decide to attack my interval run/walk, and when my knee first started to give problems, I would stop or slow down to a quick walk.
No. Knee. Pain. Y'all, NO KNEE PAIN.
So I kept my 1.0 incline, and did 1:1 run/walk intervals at 4.5mph/3.0MPH and I completed a great 30 minute run! And I did not want to collapse afterward like I had in the past with my stupid knees. I didn't need to grab my icepacks immediately. I did some basic knee/leg stretches and have not had any significant pain for three days now. It's so wonderful getting back to my non-crippled self.
Of course all this AFTER I made my appointment with the physical therapist. 😂 That's just Murphy and his dumb stupid Law right there. I'll keep the appointment though, I'd like to see what else I can do to help that pain if it should come back, and any other tips I can garner to help my progress.
* * * * * * *
Today was a Strength Training day so I went to the gym and worked on machines. I was a little slow at it because I am learning what machines do what and how they work. But I did an elliptical warm up for 10 minutes, 45 minutes of strength training, followed by 14 minutes on a mini-run. And then a little of the hydro-masager. Goodness, the monthly dues are worth it just to lay on that thing.
Side note: the treadmills at Planet Fitness are bomb. Better than mine at home!
I printed out my 5K to Half Marathon workout plan, and can't wait to get all this into my Erin Condren day planner. This might be the only time I actually CONTINUE to use it. Having a plan and knowing I need to do X on Y day, really gives me focus. And if I know I have it planned, I won't sit down on the couch and fall asleep after work, as Old Me did. 😊
I signed up for this Rock N' Roll Half Marathon in December. I have a virtual 5K (my first official one, with a medal!) with my NYAR group. I am so excited to work on ME.
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